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Know As much About Stocknet
Does Stocknet pay any tax?Yes, We pay tax in accordance with with SA laws.
Is Stocknet BEE Compliant?Yes, We are Level 1 BEE compliant
Which is the best way to contact Stocknet?Due to the nature and volumes of people we have in our platform, The best way to contact us is to send us an email or use our Whatsapp support. Please use the following options - Email Support - - Whatsapp Support - Send a whatsapp to 0824098134
I am not South African, Can I still invest with Stocknet?Yes, you can invest from anywhere in the world, as long as you are able to transact using the available payment methods.
Is Stocknet a registered company?Yes. We registered with registration number 2013/087304/07
Is Stocknet registered with the FSCA?NO, Stocknet is not registered or regulated by the FSCA because we are not dealing with a financial product as described in the FAIS Act. The entity is currently not required by law to be registered.
How long does it take before funds reflect in my account after processing?We do not clear any payment as this comes at a cost. When a payment is processed from our side, it can take up to 48 hours depending on the bank you use.
How long does it take for a payment to reflect?Depending on the payment method, it typically takes 24-48 hours before a payment is confirmed and approved on our side.
When do you get investment confirmation?When you place a new order, there are 2 cut-off periods, 15th and 31st of the month. All documents related to the purchase will be processed and sent to the investor after the cut of date. If your investment is for the 15th cut off. the schedule will be sent anytime before the 31st.
When do I start earning a profit share from my livestock asset?There are 2 options - Monthly Payouts ( Paid Monthly for the duration of the agreement) - End Of Term Payout ( Paid at the end of the term of the agreement - Livestock Asset based) For the monthly option, Here are the cut off dates and payment dates. - Buy Livestock Asset between 1st - 15th - Receive payouts from the 25th of the following month - Buy Livestock Asset between 16th - 30st - Receive payouts from the 30th of the following month
Can I visit the farm keeping my Livestock Assets?Due the nature of the farming business and the bio security requirements, we do not permit any visits.
What assurance do i have that my livestock investment is in good hands?Farming in its nature is a risky business, however we have taken steps to insure all livestock asset against natural disaster and theft.
What will happen if my livestock asset dies?We will replace the livestock at no cost to you and this will not affect the duration of the investment.
What happens after the term of my livestock investment?At the end of the term, you no longer own the asset and its our discretion what we do with the livestock asset.
What is a Partnering farmer?Stocknet does not own any farm but has partnered with experience farmers who have the required infrastructure and the skills. All our partnering farmers have gone through a rigorous vetting process.
How many farms do you work with?We currently have 18 partnering farms in South Africa.
Does Stocknet own any farms?No, Stocknet does not own any farm outright but has invested interest in a network of small-scale farms which grow and sell our livestock.
What is the limit of livestock asset i can invest with Stocknet?There is no limit but everything depends on the availability of the slots in our partnering farms who are responsible of the day-to-day upkeep of the livestock asset.
Can I be a partnering farmer?Yes, we are continuously looking for new partners. We require the farmer to have the infrastructure for any of the following assets: piggery, broiler chickens, goats or sheep farming.
Is there a market for pigs in South Africa?The pig industry in South Africa has three main sectors.Large-scale modern, efficient, intensive production units have between 600 and 5 000 sow units. There is a tendency for farm units to "get big or get out". The advantages of the economies of scale apply to input costs and marketing.
How many times can a pig get pregnant in a year?A sow can have two litters of pigs a year. The average litter size is 7.5 pigs, and it is not uncommon for a sow to have 12-14 pigs per litter. The gestation period of a sow (from the time she is bred until she farrows) is 114 days.
Are pigs a good investment?Many farmers start their livestock operations by raising pigs for profit. Hogs can be an economical way to get a good return on your initial investment if you keep track of your expenses and infrastructure costs. Raising pigs for profit isn't for everyone, but it can be a good way for your homestead to earn income.
What age do pigs start breeding?Female pigs reach sexual maturity at 3–12 months of age, and come into estrus every 18–24 days if they are not successfully bred. The gestation period averages 112–120 days. ... Standing heat is a reflexive response that is stimulated when the female is in contact with the saliva of a sexually mature boar.
How long does it take for a pig to get pregnant after mating?If the sow shows no sign of being in heat 3 weeks after mating she is pregnant. The pregnancy will last about 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days. During the pregnancy, the sow will need plenty of feed high in nutrients and will especially need more feed towards the end of the pregnancy.
How long does it take to raise broilers?Cornish cross broilers (most commonly raised) need only six to eight weeks to reach a market carcass weight of four to six pounds. Other breeds that grow slower may take 10 to 12 weeks.
Which poultry farming is most profitable?Broiler rearing is seen as one of the most profitable businesses in the poultry line of business. It is seen to be an interesting, and profitable investment whether it is on a large scale or small scale, as it is a rewarding investment.
How much is one broiler chicken?Big Broiler Chicken live 2.5-3kg for sale at R70 EACH (Estimated price from 6000 plus)
How much does it cost to raise a broiler chicken in South Africa?The start-up cost of a broiler operation is about R200 000, depending on the area.
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